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Angeblicher Lotterie Gewinn, jedoch Vorabüberweisung von Steuern verlangt.. Betrug?

geschrieben von Marcus Muth am 09.01.2008 um 15:34:00

Ich habe kürzlich eine e-mail erhalten, dass ich angeblich bei einer europäischen Lotterie gewonnen habe. Nach der zweiten Mail kam dann die Information, dass ich angeblich ERST "Governmental/Administrative Tax" auf deren Konto überweisen müsse, bevor sie mir den Gewinn zuschicken könnten. Der Schriftverkehr war was lustig, und in meiner letzten Antwort hab ich mir dann auch mal ne dreiste response einfallen lassen ;) Eine Antwort darauf habe ich bisher leider nicht erhalten, aber ich freu mich schon drauf :) Ich vermute start, dass es sich hierbei um Betrug handelt, und wollte eigentlich nur Fragen, wo und and wen ich mich wenden muss, um gegen so etwas vorzugehen. Da der Sitz der Firma angeblich in Spanien ist, wäre es doch möglich, zur Poizei zu gehen, um einen Betrugsversuch anzuzeigen, oder?


> To:
> From:
> Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 06:06:06 -0500
> Avenida Comandante Franco, 77
> 28016 Madrid, Spain.
> CONGRATULATIONS!!!.....YOU HAVE WON ¤ 850,000 Euro
> We are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded ¤ 850,000 Euro in the EUROMILLIONS EPSNA email lotto in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by software powered by the internet through the worldwide website.
> Your email address was among those chosen this year for the EUROMILLIONS EPSNA email lotto. And this program is proudly sponsored by the EUROMILLIONS EPSNA.
> Your email address was attached to Reference number 3, 1, 29, 10, 91, 25 with Serial number 3838-43 drew the lucky Numbers 9, and consequently won the lotto in the "A" category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of ¤ 850,000 Euro.
> Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office as indicated in your play coupon. In View of this, your ¤ 850,000 Euro will be processes and remitted to you by your accredited fiduciary agent in Europe. Our European agent will immediately commence with the processing of your claims to facilitate the remittance of your lotto winning prize as soon as you contact them.
> All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through computer draw system and extracted from over 900,000,000 companies and individual email addresses worldwide.
> This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning details confidential till your claims is processed and your lotto winning prize remitted to you. This is part of our security measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some winner.
> To file for your claim, please contact your accredited fiduciary agent:
> Mr. James Nicholas
> Tel: +34658135989
> Email:
> Provide your accredited fiduciary agent with these information as stated below:
> 1. Name:
> 2. Address:
> 3. Marital Status:
> 4. Occupation:
> 5. Age:
> 6. Sex:
> 7. Nationality:
> 8. Country of Residence:
> 9. Telephone Number:
> 10. Fax Number:
> 11. Lucky Number:
> This information facilitates the processing and the remittance of your lotto winnings prize and to avoid unnecessary delays and complications in the processing of your lotto winnings prize, remembers to always quote your Reference, serial and your lucky number in all your correspondences with us or your accredited fiduciary agent.
> Congratulations once more from all members and staff of the EUROMILLIONS EPANA and Thank you for being part of our annual promotional lotto program.
> Yours truly,
> Zerlina Eldora Delgado Galvan
> Online Games Director


From: ***
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 21:16:35 +0100

According to a mail by Euromillions Epsna I've won in the "A" category and am eligable to claim 850,000 Euro. Can you give me more details on this?

"To file for your claim, please contact your accredited fiduciary agent:

Mr. James Nicholas

Tel: +34658135989


Personal Information: *will tell you if you give me more details on this

Any more informatino on this would be greatly welcome.



To: ****
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 06:55:15 -0500

Avenida Comandante Franco, 77
28016 Madrid, Spain.


This is in receipt of your mail received regarding the clearance of your prize. Our accredited payment center provides the fast and convenient remittance service which allows you to choose from the offered three delivery options. Sending an international bankers cheque to our recipient and bank wire transfer.

Your lotto winning prize can be remitted through the following options and you are to choose from the mode in which you want your lotto winning prize to be remitted to you.

1. International Bankers Cheque
2. Bank Wire Transfer

If you choose to be sent an international bankers cheque, the cheque will be delivered within 48-72 hours to major metros (excluding weekends/holidays) and 4-5 working days to the rest of the world. The cheque can be delivered to any postal address by registered post, including all destinations served by our courier services by paying for the Administrative/Governmental Tax and international bankers cheque some times takes about a week to clear and then take 48-72 hours to reach the recipient. International bankers cheque option applies only to bank accounts outside of Spain.

If you choose a bank wire transfer to your bank account you will still need to pay for the Administrative/Governmental Tax to use this option), and your lotto winning prize will be directly credited into your bank account depending on the bank level of operation, the prize will be credited to the bank account within 3-7 working days also (excluding weekends/holidays). If you choose to have your lotto winning prize paid to you through the second option, it takes longer, because it has to be cleared with the domestic international banking system first.

Be informed that whatever option you choose you must pay for the Administrative/Governmental Tax and your lotto winning prize will be directly credited to your nominated bank account. These charges are not deductable from your lotto winning prize because of the insurance bond on it. Any of the options chosen will be carried out within the time frame of confirmation that you have met with all the regulated charges that would enable us intimate payment.

Kindly send to us your option with the required details.

Congratulations again from all our staffs and thank you for being part of our promotions program. For further information and clarification please contact us we are at your service.

Yours truly,
Mr. James Nicholas
Accredited Fiduciary Agent
Tel: +34658135989


From: ***
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 17:31:04 +0100

If I were to chose option #1, to receive an International Bankers Cheque, what exactly would be the procedure? Where, when and how would the Administrative/Governmental Tax be paid? Would I get the cheque, cash it in, then handle tax, or is this something that would be done beforehand? I hope you understand that I'm not able to handle any cost at all before payment was made, since I'm a student and do not have the ability to pay a larger sum, especially not upfront.

Please let me know the exact steps taken.




To: ***
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 05:00:57 -0500

Avenida Comandante Franco, 77
28016 Madrid, Spain.



This is to inform you that your request has been approved by our financial advisory board regarding your option, this means that the original copy of your award winning certificate along with a covering document from the Spanish National Lotto (Licensed Operator of the Spanish Lotto/Gaming Commission) proclaiming that your lotto winning prize was obtained legally and will be sent to you along with your winning draft as soon as you meet with the necessary requirements.

These are the three options open to you; you are to select the most convenient of the three options.

The options, together with their associated conditions are presented below: You are being required to pay the necessary charges to enable us send your international bankers cheque or by bank wire transfer and other claims documentations.

Shipping your lotto winning prize to you through any of this channel listed below:

You are required to choose one of the options.




The Administrative/Governmental Tax for the delivery of your lotto winning prize as an international bankers cheque or by bank wire transfer is ¤ 595 Euros. Please print, sign and return the claims affidavit attached.

The above mentioned payment should be made through western union money transfer or by money gram to the name of our account receiving officer:


Please note that this is the standard procedure for all international winners of the EUROMILLIONS ESPANA; also send to us the signed copy of the affidavit of claim and the payment slip as an email attachment.

This company declined reverse payment for these charges stating that it is against our policy towards ensuring the safety delivery of the international bankers cheque or bank wire transfer to you. That's if a reverse payment is made, and something goes wrong, we/you cannot sue the courier company or insurance company to recover the full value of the prize as stipulated in the international bankers cheque since payment for insurance cover was not made at point of mailing. With the above reason, reverse payment is ruled out.

Be informed that your lotto winning prize is protected by a hardcover insurance bond policy, which makes it impossible to deduct any amount from your actual lotto winning prize before remittance is made to you. This means the above charges cannot be deducted from lotto winning prize and hence must be provided by you before your lotto winning prize will be remitted to you.

This is in accordance with section 13(1) (N) of the National Gambling Act as regulation adopted in 1993 and amended on 3rd July 1996 by the constitutional assembly. This is to protect winners and to avoid misappropriation of prize/funds.

Pleas send respond to indicate your option within the next 24hrs, because you only have 2 weeks to make claim of your lotto winning prize and after this period, your lotto winning prize will be mark as an unclaimed winning prize and will be reused in the next drawings of the next season of the EUROMILLIONS ESPANA.

Please remember to print out, sign and send back the claims affidavit back to us. Also send to us any form of identification passport, drivers license or National ID card to avoid double claims.

Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program. For further information and clarification please contact us we are at your service.

Yours truly,
Mr. James Nicholas
Accredited Fiduciary Agent
Tel: +34658135989


From: ***
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 14:02:00 +0100

Please be aware that I will not, under ANY circumstances, pay you money, neither before nor after I have been given my lotto winning price! No legal lotto would ever charge anyone to pay some money upfront before receiving the price. If you have any taxes to pay, then do so yourself and deduct from the winning price. Also, I will NOT accept anything that is sent to me charging me any money for postal services. Anything I receive via mail costing money will be rejected!
If you want to hand out 850.000,00 Euro but cannot cover ¤ 595,00 in charges yourself, I feel very sorry for you.
If I have to pay anything, no matter when, no matter to whome, I will not claim this price, ever! I rather lose a potential win of 850.000,00 Euro than be scammed out of about 600,00 Euro!



To: ****
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 08:25:26 -0500

Avenida Comandante Franco, 77
28016 Madrid, Spain.


We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your message and what you wrote was well understood. Be inform that we are not compelling you to make claims of your lotto winning prize the choice is left for you to make either to claim or leave it and we would also like to inform you that without the required payment for the Administrative/Governmental Tax, a sign copy of the claims affidavit and your identification you lotto winning prize will not be processes or remitted to you because these are the standard procedure for all winner in the Euromillions promotional program.

Please if you can not follow our procedures for your winning prize to be remitted to you then we will advice you to decline.

Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program. For further information and clarification please contact us we are at your service.

Yours truly,
Mr. James Nicholas
Accredited Fiduciary Agent
Tel: +34658135989


*****Hier meine letzte Antwort auf den ja doch sehr offensichtlichen Betrugsversuch :) *****

From: ***
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 15:01:16 +0100

I've reconsidered some options.
You want proof of me being the person rightfully claiming this? - I want proof you're a legitimate lotto company and agent acting on their behalf.

I want you to provide me proof that your lotto company exists, that there have been winners prior to this, that there were the exact same steps taken, that everyone got their price in return and any other proof you can provide.
I want the name, the location and full address of your lotto company, the rightful owner of the company, names of your superiors and proof of their identities, fotos with them holding up their passports and the daily newspaper to verify its accurate and up to date.
In addition, I want you to send me 1.000,00 Euro (one thousand Euro) to me using Western Union money transfer as sign of your good will. In return, I'll submit you the 595,00 Euro for governmental taxes. If in return I do get the lotto price and everything worked out, I'll resubmit the 1.000,00 Euro you've donated to me as sign of your good will. This may take up to half a year though to make sure everything worked propper, and I may decide to keep those, afterall, depending on how much trouble is involved in this process in addition.



  • Angeblicher Lotterie Gewinn, jedoch Vorabüberweisung von Steuern verlangt.. Betrug? - Marcus Muth - 09.01.2008 15:34:00

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